How about them Spurs? Despite all of the injuries, we have managed yet another win. I would have been extremely disappointed had we lost at home to Blackburn. Pav just keeps on scoring. Joe Jordan, our assistant, has come out and said there is still a spot in the squad for Keane and that he will definitely be returning next season. I can tell you how this is going to play out in one of two ways. Defoe will be sold for upwards of 30 million pounds or Celtic ends up ponying up the transfer fee we demand for Keane. There is just one too many roosters in the hen house. I don't even want to think about Pav being on the way out. He is quality. I love his left footed finishes. He always seems to create just enough space for himself to get off an accurate shot. Harry...sell Keano, keep the others. You hate drinkers, and despite what you said, you hate that he corrupted everyone on the Christmas party to London. By the way, who doesn't allow a team Christmas party with a little booze? I would want to leave Spurs, too. Harry claimed that "you don't put diesel in a Ferrari" when asked why he is so against his players drinking. You are paying them upwards of 60,000 pounds a week and they are surrounded by babes. Why not just ask them to quit masterbating while you are at it. Try telling an 18 year old sailor not to buy a BMW. It's just not happening.
In other news, Palacios has come out and said he would love to play for Real Madrid at some point. Here is a piece of advice, Wilson. Never leave a good time looking for a good time. You are cult hero at Spurs, and you would never be fully appreciated there. Look at how they ran Makelele out after everything he did for them. You are basically a spitting image of Makelele. They want superstars and flash, not hard working midfielders who send too many errant passes downfield. Stick with us, buddy.
i think pav is overrated, did u watch him play last week? he kept getting in the way of the buildup, once the ball even hit him, i would have finished those 2 chances (even though i hit the bar twice last week in our friendly) but anyway nothing would make me or martin o'neil happier than seeing a keano pav pairing up front, still got villa for fourth